====== English documentation ====== Contents - [[:en:MGP_1|Introduction]] - [[:en:MGP_2|General information]] - [[:en:MGP_2#Scope|Scope]] - [[:en:MGP_2#General architecture of the geoportail|General architecture of the geoportail]] - [[:en:MGP_2#Conditions for using the geoportail|Conditions for using the geoportail]] - [[:en:MGP_2#General view of the geoportal|General view of the geoportal]] - [[:en:MGP_3|Ergonomics]] - [[:en:MGP_3#PAGE STRUCTURE|Page structure]] - [[:en:MGP_3#NAVIGATION PRINCIPLES|Navigation principles]] - [[:en:MGP_3#PRESENTATION OF THE CONTENT PAGES|Presentation of the content pages]] - [[:en:MGP_3#FOOTER|Footer]] - [[:en:MGP_3#LANGUAGES|Languages]] - [[:en:MGP_3#PAGINATED LISTS|Paginated lists]] - [[:en:MGP_3#SORT|Sort]] - [[:en:MGP_3#TAGS|Tags]] - [[:en:MGP_3#ACTIONS|Actions]] - [[:en:MGP_3#COLOURS|Colours]] - [[:en:MGP_3#PROCEDURES WITH MULTIPLE STEPS|Procedures with multiple steps]] - [[:en:MGP_3#WARNING MESSAGES|Warning messages]] - [[:en:MGP_3#Information message|Information message]] - [[:en:MGP_3#Error message|Error message]] - [[:en:MGP_3#Confirmation request|Confirmation request]] - [[:en:mc_4|Actors, Authentification, Access, Rights and User Accounts]] - [[:en:mc_4|Actors in the geoportal]] - [[:en:mc_4|Root Accounts& Subordinate Accounts]] - [[:en:mc_4|Connect to the geoportal]] - [[:en:mc_4|Manage the “Subordinate Accounts”]] - [[:en:mc_4|Hierarchical organization of the accounts]] - [[:en:mc_4|Manage the settings - « Contact » tag]] - [[:en:mc_4|Manage the settings - “Login” tag]] - [[:en:mc_4|Manage the settings - “Rights” tag]] - [[:en:mc_4|Manage the own Account (“My Account”)]] - [[:en:mc_4|My account - “Contact” tag]] - [[:en:mc_4|My account – “Login” tag]] - [[:en:MGP_5#FUNCTION VIEW THE MAPS – VIEW THE GEODATA IN THE MAPPING TOOL|Function "View the Maps" – View the geodata in the mapping tool]] - [[:en:MGP_5#INTRODUCTION|Introduction]] - [[:en:MGP_5#GENERAL OVERVIEW OF THE MAPPER|General overview of the mapper]] - [[:en:MGP_5#ELEMENTARY NAVIGATION FUNCTIONS|Elementary navigation funtions]] - [[:en:MGP_5#FUNCTION CALCULATE DISTANCE|Function "Calculate Distance"]] - [[:en:MGP_5#FUNCTION SAVE THE MAP|Function "Save the Map"]] - [[:en:MGP_5#TAG LAYER MANAGEMENT|Tag "Layer Management"]] - [[:en:MGP_5#LAYER ORDER TAG|"Layer Order" Tag]] - [[:en:MGP_5#ANNOTATIONS TAG|"Annotatons" Tag]] - [[:en:MGP_5#LOCATION TAG|"Location" Tag]] - [[:en:MGP_5#Location by local government name|Location by local government name]] - [[:en:MGP_5#Location by cadastral parcel|Location by cadastral parcel]] - [[:en:MGP_5#Location by town name|Location by town name]] - [[:en:MGP_5#Location by interest zone XY coordinates|Location by interest zone (XY coordinates)]] - [[:en:MGP_5#OPTIONS TAG|"Options" Tag]] - [[:en:MGP_5#Cartographic reference system|Cartographic reference system]] - [[:en:MGP_5#Map size|Map size]] - [[:en:MGP_5#Scalebar|Scalebar]] - [[:en:MGP_5#Grid|Grid]] - [[:en:MGP_5#INFORMATIONS TAG|"Informations" Tag]] - [[:en:MGP_5#CONSULTING THE PRODUCT CATALOG - FUNCTION OUR PRODUCTS|Consulting the product catalog - Function « Our Proctucts »]] - [[:en:MGP_5#SEARCHING FOR GEOPRODUCTS BY CATEGORY|Searching for geoproducts by category]] - [[:en:MGP_5#MULIT CRITERIA SEARCH|Multi-criteria search]] - [[:en:MGP_5#VIEWING THE METADATA OF THE GEOPRODUCTS|Viewing the metadata of the geoproducts]] - [[:en:mc_5|Ordering geoproducts - “Order” function]] - [[:en:mc_5-1|Selecting a geoproduct]] - [[:en:mc_5-2|Definition of the order’s geographic extent]] - [[:en:mc_5-2a|Extent type "North-South Rectangle"]] - [[:en:mc_5-2b|Order extent type "Polygon"]] - [[:en:mc_5-2c|Order extent type "Circle"]] - [[:en:mc_5-2d|Order extent type "Buffer"]] - [[:en:mc_5-2e|Order extent type "TC20000 Map Sheet"]] - [[:en:mc_5-2f|Order extent "1:5000 map sheet"]] - [[:en:mc_5-2g|Order extent "Orthophoto"]] - [[:en:mc_5-2h|Order extent type "Whole country"]] - [[:en:mc_5-2i|Order extent type "Cadastral parcel"]] - [[:en:mc_5-2j|Order extent "1:20000 R series map sheet"]] - [[:en:mc_5-2l|Order extent "1:50000 map sheet"]] - [[:en:mc_5-3|Specific properties of the order]] - [[:en:mc_5-4|Order summary and sending the order or estimate request]] - [[:en:mc_6|Order: Function « Manage my orders»]] - [[:en:mc_6|Order overview]] - [[:en:mc_6|Requests in the tag « Drafts »]] - [[:en:mc_6|“Sent” orders]] - [[:en:mc_6|“Received” orders]] - [[:en:mc_6|“Archived” orders]] - [[:en:mc_7|Order: Function "Archive"]]