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This is the technical reference of the GeoAPI, which lists all methods available to developers, along with their methods and properties, and as far as possible, implementation examples.

HTTPS Connection

The GeoAPI is available both as HTTP and HTTPS, for applications that need all resources to be encrypted.

API Builds

The API has a build system, which contains a /builds/latest directory, which is updated automatically to the latest version of the GeoAPI. This can cause problems for advanced systems if functionality or interfaces change. If you want to manage the API build levels manually, we create for each update of the API a defined build (for example /builds/201310161641 . It is then up to the API user to manually update the GeoAPI build as the need arises.

A full list of the builds available and the link addresses for the javascript and css files can be found at ===== geoadmin.API(options) ===== Creates a GeoAPI instance. <code javascript> geo = new geoadmin.API({lang: 'de'}); </code> Options parameters * lang: String * map: OpenLayers.Map * mapPanel: GeoAdmin.MapPanel * activatePopup: Boolean * selectCtrl: OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature * debug: String set the debug mode (prod or debug) * isMainApp: Boolean define is the API is an instance of the main application or of a derived application * baseUrl: String base url of the main application * initialExtent: String initial extent of the map * searchUrl: String search url ==== API.layers ==== Object list of layers objects. Please note: the list of layers available in the API is restricted to specific themes (roughly matching the different thematic portals:, …). In most applications, we load api.js to load the layers contained in the api theme ( You can load other themes layers, by replacing main.js by tourisme.js for example. <code html> <script type=“text/javascript” src=“”></script> </code>


Creates a Map instance.

   div: 'ex1',
   easting: lonLat.lon,
   zoom: 8,
   bgLayer: 'pixelmaps-gray'

Options parameters

  • div: String
  • easting: Number
  • northing: Number
  • zoom: Integer
  • layers: String Comma separated value(s)
  • layers_indices: String Comma separated value(s)
  • layers_opacity: String Comma separated values, between 0 and 1
  • bgLayer: String Background layer, see layer list
  • bgOpacity: String Background pixelmap opacity, between 0 and 100


Creates a MapPanel instance.

   mapInfo: {
      zoom: 8,
      easting: lonLat.lon,
      bgLayer: 'pixelmaps-gray',
      bgOpacity: 0			

Options parameters

  • any GeoAdmin.MapPanel parameter
  • mapOptions: Object Object containing options for the map, see API.createMap() constructor options


Creates a Toolbar instance.

Options parameters

  • items: Array List of functions to activate. Possible values: 'ZoomToMaxExtent', 'Navigation', 'ZoomBox','LengthMeasure', 'AreaMeasure', 'NavigationHistory','ZoomOut', 'DrawFeature', 'ClearFeatures'


Creates a TooltipFeature instance.

Options parameters

  • tooltipUrl: String Absolute URL of the search server endpoint ("//").
  • requestOnlyVisibleLayers: Boolean


Creates a LayerTree instance.


  • layer: String Name of the layer to add to map


Creates a marker instance and adds it to the map. Associates a popup if the html content property is set.

Options parameters

  • easting: Integer position of the marker, default: map center
  • northing: Integer position of the marker, default: map center
  • iconPath: String path of a custom icon for the marker (url or relative), default: /mfbase/openlayers/img/marker-gold.png
  • recenter: Boolean define if the map has to recentered at the marker position, default: false
  • graphicHeight: Integer height of the height, default: the icon height
  • graphicWidth: Integer width of the height, default: the icon width
  • fillOpacity: Number opacity of the marker (from 0 to 1), default: 1
  • html: String html content of a popup, default: null


Sets Map view to show selected features and zoomlevel.

  • layer: String Name of the layer to add to map
  • ids: Array list of feature id's to display


Add a layer with a specific MyMap Layer to the map.

   callback: function(features){
	var c = features.features[0].geometry.getCentroid();[c.x,c.y]);

Options parameters

  • mapID: String ID of the MyMap Layer to be displayed.
  • remoteUrl: String Optional endpoint of MyMap service. Normally not needed
  • callback: function As the MyMapLayer is loaded asynchronously, the callback function here allows to execute code after the layer has been loaded. The callback function is provided with a features object containing all the features of the MyMapLayer.


Generate and display a height profile window for a given feature geometry. Used commonly in the callback of the .createMyMapLayer() method.


Options parameters

  • feature: OpenLayers.Feature A feature object for which to generate the profile.
  • renderProfileWindowTo: String Optional: ID of a Div to which to render the window too.


Calls the geocoder service to geocode an Address. The Address can be given as a string, or as a options object with the constituent address parts.

Also see the following example implementation: <code javascript> geoadmin.geocode({ num: “12”, street: “Avenue Gaston Diderich”, zip: “”, locality:“Luxembourg” }, function(success,json) { if (success){ geo.showMarker({ iconPath: '', absolute url to image file graphicHeight: 35, graphicWidth: 35, easting: json[0].easting, northing: json[0].northing, html: json[0].name, title: “Quality of the geocoding: ” + json[0].accuracy, hover: true display marker popup on mouseover


}); </code>

If the address constituent parts are not known, alternatively you can supply a simple address string to be geocoded, replacing the options Object:

geoadmin.geocode(  "12, Avenue Gaston Diderich, Luxembourg", 
                        //...callback processing... 
  • options: Options Address Object containing address parts.
  • address: String Alternative to options if address components are not known.
  • callback: Callback A callback function which is called when the geocoding request completes. Is passed callback return values (see below).

Options Parameters

  • num: String Street Number
  • street: String Street Name
  • zip: String Postcode
  • locality: String Village, Town or City

Callback Return Values

  • success: Boolean True if an address was found. False if not.
  • result: Object Result of the geocoding process. See Result Object example below:
    "count": 1, //Number of results returned
    "results": [
            "ratio": 1, //certainty of geocoding result
            "name": "54,Avenue Gaston Diderich 1420 Luxembourg",
            "easting": 75983.84375,
            "address": "54 Avenue Gaston Diderich,1420 Luxembourg",
            "geom": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [
                    75983.84375, //easting given in LUREF
                    75110.6796875 //northing given in LUREF
            "northing": 75110.6796875,
            "AddressDetails": {
                "street": "Avenue Gaston Diderich",
                "locality": "Luxembourg",
                "zip": "1420",
                "postnumber": "54"
            "matching street": "Avenue Gaston Diderich",
            "accuracy": 8 //Level of accuracy of result: 
                          //8. at house number level 
                          //7. at point of interest level 
                          //6. at street level
                          //5. at locality level
                          //1. at national level (Luxembourg) 
    "success": true


Calls the geocoder service to reverse geocode a LUREF coordinate to the closest address. Returns an address JSON object. Also see the following example implementation: <code javascript> geoadmin.reversegeocode({ easting: 90285, northing: 81538, }, function(success,json) { if (success){ geoadmin.showMarker({ iconPath: '', absolute url to image file graphicHeight: 35, graphicWidth: 35, easting: json[0].easting, northing: json[0].northing, html: json[0].name, title: “Distance from the point: ” + Math.round(json[0].distance), hover: true display marker popup on mouseover



  • options: Options LUREF Coordinate Object.
  • callback: Callback A callback function which is called when the reverse geocoding request completes. Is passed callback return values (see below).

Options Parameters

  • easting: Integer LUREF X axis.
  • northing: Integer LUREF Y axis coordinate.

Callback Return Values

  • success: Boolean True if an address was found. False if not.
  • result: Object Result of the reverse geocoding process. See Result Object example below:
         "distance":4.1557157933240303, //distance to nearest address
         "name":"11,Rue Aloyse Hoffmann 6913 Roodt-sur-Syre",
         "address":"11 Rue Aloyse Hoffmann,6913 Roodt-sur-Syre",
         "matching street":"Rue Aloyse Hoffmann",
            "street":"Rue Aloyse Hoffmann",
en/api/apireference.txt · Last modified: 2017/03/02 12:27 (external edit)