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Scale 1:100 000
Joëlle Désiré-Marchand, Centre d'Etudes Géographiques-Université de Picardie, Amiens-France

Geomorphological map of Luxembourg, overview of the landforms:
- structural forms, typology and age of cuestas, fault escarpments and other flats or slopes;
- applanation surfaces: age of surfaces and associated surficial formations;
- valleys: drainage patterns and dissection of the tertiary applanation surface, slope and terrace typology, meanders and former drainage directions.
Legend in french and german.

Explanatory notes to this map: Bulletin du Service géologique, n° 13: (1985): Désiré-Marchand J., Notice de la carte géomorphologique du Gr.-D. de Luxembourg, 48 p., 10 fig. (in french)

en/legend/geol/geomorphologie100k.1636020767.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/11/04 10:12 by waassergis